89 percent of all German companies confirm that their brands have a significant influence on business success and more than half consider the value of their trademark to be one of the most important factors on the company's total value. Where cybercriminals infringe trademark law, material and immaterial damage arise, which results in a loss of revenue. This is a growing problem, because the number of online trademark infringements is increasing.
Vigilance means having your trademark protection checked, because any trademark infringement means damage to your reputation. The spectrum of fraud that takes place on online marketplaces is broad: classic counterfeiting, plagiarism, trademark abuse, and copyright infringement are the most common methods by which criminals exploit the awareness of their trademark and thus weaken their brand. On the Internet, your customers have almost no chance of distinguishing between the original and the fake. Let's put consumer safety at the heart of your Brand Protection Strategy together!
Book a free analysis by our experts now
Request free analysisOur Brand Protection helps you to protect the value of your trademark, i.e. your word mark and figurative mark - around the clock, worldwide and on all relevant online marketplaces and websites. Sentryc Brand Protection starts with our globally oriented risk analysis, which shows you the status quo and existing sources of danger. What then follows is constant monitoring of all digital sales channels that are targeted by trademark fraudsters. Together with you, we pursue the goal of finding potential counterfeits in real time and having them removed within 24 hours.
Sentryc stands for automated brand and product protection made in Germany. With our passion and experience, we track down product pirates wherever they are up to mischief on online marketplaces and social networks. We consider ourselves guardians for your branded products, your trading partners, and your customers.
With our risk analysis, you always get an individually tailored offer with recommendations from our experts. But honest feedback is also always welcome!
We take care of the set-up! It usually takes less than 2 weeks from the implementation to the first take down. After that, we usually issue a take down in less than 48 hours.
Our superheroes are always there for you. Whether you have questions or need a new Health Check: transparency, loyalty and agility are our guiding values.
Made in Germany stands not only for special quality and great reliability, but also for safety standards and GDPR conformity.
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