Social Media Scan

Deceptive Social Network

We monitor relevant social networks for you to prevent the sale of counterfeits of your products and to stop copyright infringement. Our software is "online" around the clock and in use worldwide, so that you get a complete overview.

Behind hashtags lurks fraud too

Our innovative self-developed image search also recognizes your brand in user contributions. We also reliably find your logo in videos and browse #hashtags as well as product mentions in posts. The Sentryc Social Media Scan reveals sellers who are weighing themselves into security in the vastness of social networks with their product counterfeits.

Find out how product counterfeiters damage your business

Book a free analysis by our experts now

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Platform monitoring

Automated monitoring of your products
Detection of counterfeits
Trace unauthorized dealers

Automatic Removal

Deletion of offers that are harmful to the brand
International "Take Downs"
Enforcement in 48h

Regular Reports

Evaluation of your brand protection measures
Risk analysis of your product portfolio

Current industry news

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Studie zur weltweiten Produktpiraterie

CounterfeitingMarket Research

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