European customs officials seized almost 27 million Plagiarisms with a market value of nearly 740 million euros in 2018. The product portfolio of counterfeit branded goods covers almost all industries from toys to cosmetic products to medical devices and consumer electronics. This is a dangerous game that poses significant risks to health and safety of consumers and traders, for example in the case of medicines, automotive spare parts or chainsaws.
The trade with plagiarism threatens young innovation labels and traditional companies with established brands alike. The focus of malicious replica-manufacturers is on products in whose development a lot of time, money, talent, and design flair has flowed. The production of an inferior imitation, on the other hand, usually costs no more than a place of production in a low-wage country and criminal energy.
Book a free analysis by our experts now
Request free analysisSentryc provides security to providers of high-quality original products: our Marketplace Scan and Social media Scan Tools search more than 120 international online marketplaces and all leading social networks for your products. Our Software learns daily through machine learning and gains more clarity about the original and fake with each Finding. Keywords, detailed descriptions and pictures help to find potential violations. The comparison with manipulated photos as well as the search for suspicious links and hashtags make life difficult for product pirates.
Online marketplaces (OMPs) and social media platforms are hubs for counterfeits. Manual monitoring is unfortunately always inefficient and expensive. With our Software, we help you to gain the necessary transparency about all suspicious online offers worldwide - cost-effectively and consistently. Because our software never sleeps!
The basis for holding imitators accountable is the registration of industrial property rights - preferably worldwide! Because you can only take action against misuse in the countries in which your trademark is registered.
Constant market observation in retail, at trade fairs, and on the internet is essential. Our software automatically scans all relevant offers on the internet 24/7 and reveals potential violations.
Be open about the problem. The fact that they are being imitated also shows that you have a popular, high-quality product! By means of Public Relations, you can inform customers and promote customer loyalty.
The immediate deletion of all illegal offers quickly and effectively prevents further distribution and thus the further spread of these products. In this way, further damage can be efficiently avoided.
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79 Prozent der Unternehmen werden mehrmals im Jahr Opfer von Produktfälschungen.