Why Sentryc

Customized & individual

Our experts take the time to get to know your products.
They reveal where, and to what extent product pirates are using your intellectual property unlawfully and then create an individual risk analysis with the help of our software. Thus, it is also possible to adjust the price individually to your risk profile. We only offer you what has real relevance for your company!

Made in Germany

We are Made in Germany and protect your brands worldwide. Our heart beats for innovative and future-oriented companies that are committed to energy, development skills, and a wealth of ideas. You can count on our experts to reliably keep an eye on your valuable assets and know all digital sales channels like the back of their hand. We attach great importance to protection and safety and act strictly following GDPR.

Find out how product counterfeiters damage your business

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Personal service

Transparency, agility and loyalty are our core values, which your personal brand protection expert carries in his consulting DNA. Do you have questions or need a cutting-edge assessment of the threat scenario? Contact us at any time!

Fast implementation

Sentryc offers Software-as-a-Service. This means that there are no expenses for the implementation of the software. After a short set-up phase, in which we individually set up your account with the relevant brands, products and marketplaces, you will receive your personal login. This allows you to log into our software at any time via your web browser. Here we show you all potential violations in a clearly arranged way and you are only one click away from deleting unauthorized offers. Documentation and corresponding reports and dashboards for measuring success are also available to you from the first take down. If you wish, we can of course also take care of the set-up of block and allow lists.

3 important key functions of our Software

Combat Brand Abuse & Counterfeiting

Constant Monitoring

Our software searches across online shops, social media sites and more than 160 online marketplaces - individually tailored to the risk profile of your products.

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Fast removal

TakeDown in just one click!
Our software also supports you fully automatically in the deletion of counterfeits.

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Analysis & Documentation

Every infringement entered in the software is documented via screenshot and factual situation. This gives you what you need in the event of a legal prosecution.

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Current industry news

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Studie zur weltweiten Produktpiraterie

CounterfeitingMarket Research

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