Brand Protection
Made in Germany

Over 70% of all German companies are affected by product and brand piracy.
We would be happy to analyze for you whether you are also affected and advise you on how you can protect yourself against brand abuse and product piracy.
Book a consultation appointment with Sentryc CEO Nicole Hofmann.

"I want companies to stop worrying about brand abuse or product piracy. In a globalized and digitalized economy, this means that we also have to break new ground in combating it."

Nicole Hofmann, CEO of Sentryc

We protect your products and your brand

Sentryc stands for automated brand and product protection made in Germany. With our passion and experience, we track down product pirates wherever they are up to mischief on online marketplaces and social networks. We consider ourselves guardians for your branded products, your trading partners, and your customers.

Customized & individual

With our risk analysis, you always get an individually tailored offer with recommendations from our experts. But honest feedback is also always welcome!

Fast implementation

We take care of the set-up! It usually takes less than 2 weeks from the implementation to the first take down. After that, we usually issue a take down in less than 48 hours.

Personal service

Our superheroes are always there for you. Whether you have questions or need a new Health Check: transparency, loyalty and agility are our guiding values.

Made in Germany

Made in Germany stands not only for special quality and great reliability, but also for safety standards and GDPR conformity.